Let’s Take The Time to Be Empathetic

Before the 9/11 incident, terrorism was never really associated with Muslims. However, with the fall of the twin towers, Americans began to perceive terrorism differently. Suddenly, when someone thought of terrorism, they thought of Muslims. Our biases are largely constructed based on our experiences, so it’s not a surprise that we accuse Muslims. We tend…

Is Being Mentally Strong a Thing

Growing up, I was exposed to this idea that there were two kinds of people: the strong and the weak. I’m not talking physical strength, I’m talking mental strength. I followed along with this idea that people can be mentally strong, those were the admirable ones. I’ve heard my mother say that addicts are weak,…

My Poems

Today, I thought it would be interesting if I share one of my poems with you guys. The poem that I’m about to display is about a teacher that I had in 7th and 8th grade. Even though I was utterly terrified of her at first, in the end, she ended up being my role…


Motivation, probably the most difficult quality to obtain. We all work towards it, but do we really want to? For many of us, motivation is associated with schoolwork, so finding the motivation to do any school-related activities is understandably and undeniably difficult. In school, we are required to take certain classes. Once we meet those…


Courtesy. We all practice it (at least I hope we do). However, courtesy in a heterosexual relationship (whether it be platonic or intimate) has always been emphasized as a man’s duty. Growing up, I was taught that a gentleman would open doors, pull out chairs, and pay for meals – this was the criteria. This…

Role Models

Role models were always emphasized throughout my childhood. I’m sure they were emphasized throughout your childhood too. Except, I never really understood the big deal about role models. Everyone’s typical pick was their parents, but I didn’t feel like they were my role models. In some cases they were, but I can’t say that I…

Tips on Insecurities

Insecurities, we’re all full of them. Sometimes, I think to myself, “Will they ever go away?” Of course, I have to work on myself for my insecurities to lessen, but I don’t think they will ever completely go away. So, this makes me think, well is that the human condition? Therapist, Aarti Dubey, discussed on…

How Are We Treating Overweight Bodies?

The word “fat” throughout the article is used in a body positive way. In no way is it used to harm anyone, it is used to spread acceptance of the word. A recent outbreak on social media caught my attention. Several text messages of a man visibly fat shaming Texas model, Natalie Hage, have gone…


When you walk across the L.A. pavement do you greet the people that pass by you? I imagine, reader, your answer might be sometimes. Perhaps, it is never, or not so often. Having grown up in a city where business is at the core of daily lifestyle, I’ve realized that people- generally speaking- are not…