Violence Against Women in Film: The True Horrors

Preparing for October, I have divulged myself into a deep pit of horror films. I recently watched the 2016 horror film “Pet”, centered primarily around the violent kidnapping of a woman, who is placed in a cage by a man she rejected. The violent nature of this movie got me thinking about the abundance of…

The Effects of Dismantling DACA

The dismantling of the policy DACA will have monumentally negative effects on the familial structures and personal livelihood of its recipients in the United States. For many, DACA is a lifesaver. It allows recipients to work, go to school, drive, and live without constant fear of deportation. To take this away would not only be…

Feminist Figure Ruth Bader Ginsberg

The list of accomplishments and strides Ruth Bader Ginsberg has made for women is seemingly endless. From her early college years, studying first in her class at Cornell and Harvard, to her progress as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the US, she has pioneered her position as a woman in law. Sticking up…

“Women Are Powerful & Dangerous” -Audrey Lorde

Taking a moment to appreciate all of the beautiful, passionate, empathetic, and strong women in my life today and every day with the help of Audrey Lorde. Often we forget to appreciate the amazing women who make us who we are. Thank your lady friends! Wishing you all a humbled weekend. Find me on Instagram:…

Lust For Lana

Ethereal. Graceful. Dream-like. Just a few words to describe Lana Del Rey’s newest album. As a huge Lana fan, I needed a bit of time to recover after hearing her incredible release, Lust For Life. I can say, without hesitation, that Lust For Life is my favorite of Lana’s latest albums. A love-child of Honeymoon and Paradise,…

Stop Casually Calling People Nazis.

In the troubling times of Trump and Pence, it is easy to call ignorant people names in the heat of the moment. We’ve all made mistakes like this. A title I have heard being casually thrown around in recent months is ‘nazi’. This particular title I (along with many fellow Jews) find very offensive unless…

In Regards to Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

On the morning of Wednesday, July 26th, Donald Trump made yet another shocking announcement. He is overturning the policy made legal under former president Barak Obama, now disallowing people in the transgender community to serve in the US military. It is noteworthy that he announced this on twitter rather than in an official address or…

The Elephant in the Courtroom: Trap Laws

*content including abortion may be triggering to some Though abortion rights in The United States were granted in Roe v Wade (1973), they have proven to be hollow rights as the government that claims to allow women said reproductive rights is the same government making it nearly impossible to access these laws. How do they…

The Legacy of Frida Kahlo

I present to you, reader: acrylic on canvas homage to one of my greatest artistic inspirations. In the days leading up to July 13th, the anniversary of the passing of beloved artist Frida Kahlo, we remember the legacy of Frida’s work. With themes of gender, race and true identity, Kahlo’s art proves timeless, relevant over…